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Frances Louise Haines - Online Memorial Website

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Frances Louise Haines
Born in United States
78 years
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I have so many memories of my many. she was always such a huge part of my life that its hard to hus pick one or two memories.  some of my favorite memories of her would have to be jus our last minute sunday dinners. it was always nice to meet up after church at my moms for a nice afternoon dinner. jus to gather and talk and catch up on the week and other family that grandma talked to. once hunter came along it was hard not to have memories with her, she loved her hunter.......and everytime hed do something new she would just rant n rave about it. her favorite story to tell about him was when he said "mine" for her. she loved to hear him say "mine". anything he did made her smile. i remember when he got to heavy for her to hold, it really broke her heart cuz she couldnt. but he made up for that when she was in the hospital hunter would get on the bed with her and sit and play with her breathing toy, lol.  hunter will always know his great grammy haines. there are just too many memories of her......and yet i still wanted more of her. she was my world. i will cherish everything i did have with her forever. i will miss you grandma...i will love you always.
Sarah Strother
I have so many memories of you Grandma, I don't even know where to begin. You watched me practically everyday throughout my childhood years. I remember getting yelled at for things alissa would make me do, I remember eating dinner with you and having cucumbers and tomatoes and then going home and eating again. . . . . .that must be what happened to me ha. You always hemmed my pants for me, now who's going to do it for me, no one can replace you Grandma. None of our parties are gonna be the same anymore. All I have to say is you better be ready to have a huge party when I get to heaven cuz I'm bringing the asparagus and wine for you! I love you so much and I wish that God hadn't taken you away yet, but your his daughter and he needs you. Love you always, I'll be seeing you.
Matt Burke
 Memories, gee where do you begin with someone that gave so much and didn't ask for anything.She was always a comforting ear I could share anything with no matter what it was.She loved us all so very much and gave til her dying day.She fought so hard in the end until she was able to see all of her family.I know that evening into the early morning hours of the 14th that her sisters and parents were there guiding her into the light.Heaven has received an angel that is like no other.All the memories I have of my grandmother I will cherish forever.It was nothing like going to my grandmas for weeks in summer or holidays she was always such a happy person and I will miss that so dearly.In her final days I wish I could've been there more to hold her hand and rub her hair and head.I know she is pain-free now and smiling down on us, and we all need to know that she will always be with us in our hearts forever. Carly Burke- Grandma was very nice to me.She knew how to cure hurt and was a great cook.I Love You!  Megan Burke - I love you very much, I love waking up there and seeing you cook all the games and all the fun I will never forget. Peyton Burke- Grandma I love you,I miss you ...........
 You were such an inspiration to our family and have touched our hearts in so many ways, you will be missed!!!!We love you !!!!
Michele Burke

I have so many happy memories of G-ma.... I remember the first time I had met her, we came down stairs at Pam and Charlie's house on Bass Rd. Matt gave her a hug and then introduced me..told her I was pregnant, and we were going to be married... From that day on I was a part of her family.. I remember on Christmas when the family got together just a couple months later I was blown away... There were presents under the tree with my name on them.. That is just the way she was.. Loving and kind.. Now she could be a spitfire too LMAO.. I was on the wrong end of it at times but it was well deserved.. She loved her family so much she would and did everything she could for them.... One last memory.. that same trip up for Christmas.. She cooked sausage gravy and homemade biscuits.. I am a yankee so I had no idea what it was. She told me to get a plate.. I told her I would just eat a biscuit.. she said now Michele you have to try it before you say you dont like it.. I tried a bite from Matts plate and have been hooked ever since.. Whenever we went up she had to cook it one morning for us.. No ones will ever compare... I will miss you g-ma.. Love you for always.  

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